Hi, you have reached the genealogy page for the family of Ronald Hoppes. Below is a list of names that are included in my data base. Each Link will take you to a Descendant Narrative.
If you have questions or comments please

--Ron picture

Thank you to Dr. Harrison Hoppes and Denise Kern who provided most of the information for the Hoppes ancestors prior to 1900 on their web site. Hoppes Generations. Doctor Hoppes's book "Swiss Roots: A History Of The Hoppes Family To 1800" is a must read for anyone researching the Hoppes lineage.
The late Florence Shaw Hastings and Harriet Leonard Stone provided most of the data on the Leonard and Clarke families though their work with the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Richard Wells II provided much of the information on the Swenson and Swain families.
Their work is gratefully acknowledged.
Surname List

Name Index

Ron Hoppes Pedigree

Peter Haps 1580-1611 (name evolved to Happes then Hoppes)

John Clarke 1610-1673

John Swain 1700-After 1720

Job Strong Leonard 1724-1823 (Revolutionary War Veteran)

James Clarke Jr.1747-After 1788 (Revolutionary War Veteran)

George Happes 1715-1800 (German Immigrant 1751)

George Heinrich Happes 1747-1812 (German Immigrant & Revolutionary War Veteran)

Addison Leonard 1782-1861 (War of 1812 Veteran)

Addison Clarke Leonard 1819-1890 (Civil War Veteran)

George S Shaw 1830-1895 (English Immigrant 1832 & Civil War Veteran)

Henry Hoppes 1799-After 1870 (Pioneer)

Ephriam Hurl Hoppes 1845-1916 (Civil War Veteran)

Joel Hoppes 1826-1863 (Killed Fighting Indians)

Joseph B. Swain 1836-1868 (Redleg Irregular & Civil War Veteran)

Jacob Swain 1838-1910 (Civil War Veteran)

W.I. Swain 1865-1945 (Famous early 20th Century Showman)

Swin Swenson 1778-1885 (Swedish Immigrant 1877)